Title Research: Watch the Titles Website

     Hey welcome back to my blog! Today is 01/24 and it is time to follow up with our project on the making of a opening sequence for a movie. In this step of our project we had to do research on similar films with similar genre to see what methods and devices they choosed to use in order to obtain a response from their viewers. In order for me to be able to properly due the research about the movies I decided to use a trustworthy website to avoid any type of virus and that was capable of being easy to handle as well as efficent as possible. The website that I decided to use to do the research of the many films I had to see is watchthetitles.com. Because it can research different studios and designers and offers a wide range of film options, I found this website to be the most efficient. Using the website to view brief title sequences of some of the most well-known movies, including The Dark Knight Rises, was also incredibly easy. Additionally, the website classifies and arranges its footage, making it easy to locate the precise tiles we want to examine. There are a ton of title sequences in TV series, movies, blockbusters, video games, and event films that can all be analyzed and used as inspiration. I believe the curation of films is great and it can be a key tool to success. Thank you for reading, bloggers! I'll be back soon to finish my opening sequence. 


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