editing the video

     Hey I am Anthony Villegas and today I will be discussing the editing of the video. Since it was my first time filming a music video I was not completely sure on what to do. I filmed the video with no prior experience but with my imagination and what I thought it was right. I wanted to add many different transactions in and it took us a long time to actually record the video around 5 hours of recording. I had to go over all the footage that we recorded which turned out to be around 45 minutes of only footage. I then proceed to look for the exact clips that I actually needed for the video and what needed to complement each other.  Now that I have the videos separated and cut by the ones that I will be using I have to join the clips. Cap cut overall has been a great app to edit because of its simple features that made things clear to do. After I cutted the videos and look for the right order to pair them up I then realized that we made a small but huge mistake. During the process of the recording of the video someone in the production by accident moved the tripod which affected us a lot because it moved all of the frame. Even tho we invested so much time into the recording of the video to be able to get the exact clips we needed to do the transaction the tripod being moved not once but multiple times caused the frame of the video be off. After multiple hours of editing just the video to try to join the frames possible I came to the decision that it might take longer for me to actually pair the frames than maybe even filming again. I still decided to continue the edit and try to save it because my team had to leave town and we wont be able to film on time. I was able to properly join the clips and make the transaction I had in mind work like I pictured with good timing. The small problem is that you can still see a small movement in the background which causes the transaction not  to be as smooth. I feel like I had gained a lot of practice as well. as knowledge because I got to learn how to edit better and how to record the transactions.  But to be honest I am not fully satisfied with how the video turned out because of that small mistake which was the tripod being slightly moved. I decided to mention this to my team with a finished product and they actually agreed with me so we came to the conclusion that we should start the recording again. I am glad that we get to record the video again because my team and I have slightly a better idea of what are going to do and we also have a better picture of what is it that we are recording. Thank you for your time and joining my blog stay tuned and we will catch up on the next blog where we will be filming again.


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