Meaning of "yo visto asi"

Hello this is Anthony Villegas today is 10/16/2023 and I will be discussing the meaning of the song "yo visto asi". The song is in spanish so I could like start by sharing the song lyrics in spanish as well as in english! Summary of the song: The song talks about an individual who likes to dress in a radical and exuberant way by wearing something not to usual to a regular person. He talks about how much flow and style he has and mentions that he is not willing to change for anyone as he saids, "If you don't like it you don't have look". I am a huge believer that an outfit is a way of expressing yourself and a way of art to show what you like and what you stand for. I identify a lot with this song and that is the main reason why I decided to choose this song. I am glad that you now have some context behind the meaning of the song and the reason why I choose it. This is it for today. Thank you for your time and stay tuned in for the next blog on the proc...